P25 for Vid Peršak in Finale

Great result on the opening round of the enduro world cup! Vid Peršak was flying on the Finale Ligure trails and took 25th place overall! That’s great achievement on his first race of the 2024 WHOOP UCI MTB World Series!

Finale Outdoor Region is a synonym for enduro racing, which makes is perfect for the start of the WHOOP UCI MTB World Series enduro season. The race was long and hard, but on the end stage 4 was cancelled due to the crash of a rider. Vid kept high pace from start to finish and was close to even better result.

Vid Peršak: “It was a hard week in Italy, but we learned a lot! It always feels great when things work on the race and hard work from the off-season pays off. I was holding back a little bit at the start of the race in Finale, I knew that it’s going to be a very long race. I was pushing harder and harder, unfortunately I had a small technical issue on the last stage that prevented me to do even better. I have a very fast bike underneath me, but for sure I can find more speed, so I already look forward to a race in Poland!”

Vid did better only once in the 2023 season, which is confirmation of great form and a big motivation boost for the upcoming races!

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WHOOP UCI MTB World Series
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Photos: Jaka Močilnik